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Yin Yoga

1 hour practice

1 h
28.50 Australian dollars
30 Rural Dr, don't use google maps, access via dirt road from Cureton Ave

Service Description

In Yin Yoga, we hold most poses between 3 to 5 minutes. It is a simple and quiet practice - but it is not easy and different from Restorative yoga. Yin yoga is not meant to be comfortable. It will take you well outside your comfort zone. Much of the benefit of the practice will come from staying in this zone of discomfort, despite the mind’s urgent pleas to leave. When we hold a pose for a longer period, we bring the stretch to the yin tissues, which are the deeper tissues such as the tendons, fascia, ligaments, and the other connective body tissues. Our yin tissues are less vascular (supplied with blood) and less elastic, and therefore need more time to stretch. When stretched regularly, it increases the overall flexibility, circulation, and range of motion in the joints and ligaments. In dynamic styles, such as Vinyasa Yoga, and modern Hatha Yoga, the movement makes the muscles take the main load and stretch. Muscles are yang tissues; they are quick to warm up and stretch but also quick to cool down and rebound. That is why, if you do not practice for a few days, you see a big decline in flexibility and strength. So, if you practice only dynamic forms of exercise or yoga, you will gain muscle strength, but not necessarily a wider range of motion. To have a healthy range of motion around our joints, many of us need to also stretch the deep connective tissue and the joints. In Yin Yoga, the emphasis is on relaxed belly breathing. Long, slow, and, deep breaths are vital for letting the body relax and be in a pose for longer durations.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If you book into class and are unable to attend, please early-cancel at least 4h before your class is due to start. You can do so via your FitbyWix dashboard. Late cancellation and/or no shows will incur a class forfeit. Cancellations must be made by the Online app. Calls, emails or messages via social media will not constitute a valid cancellation.

Contact Details


30 Rural Dr, Mildura VIC 3500, Australia

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